Anxiety is part of living – the root of which is fear and the primary action of which is worry. Adults, young and old, teens, children experience anxiety symptoms on a regular if not daily basis. Most people either don’t talk about it with others, over talk about their problems, or somewhere in between. Anxiety and worry can be a persistent problem or an unexpected visitor. Anxiety can be can about singular events or global urgencies, about present situations or unknown futures. Worries in this time of crises can be over the pandemic, health issues, relational problems, financial pressures, job loss, death, hurricanes, or anything in which you feel powerless. People experience minor anxiety to severe panic. The Carpenter’s House offers help through talking with a counselor about your anxiety and situation. You and your therapist can identify the problem areas and design a goal-oriented plan to help you deal with your anxiety. Part of this work is to identify your strengths and skills that you already use in your daily life, to develop new skills, and to merge them to help you become less anxious. There is help even when you feel powerless. |